
Gabriela Fernández Viejo





1993-1997 PhD grant. Instituto Jaume Almera CSIC, Barcelona

1997-1998 Postdoctoral. University of British columbia, Canada

1998-2002 Postdoctoral Marie Curie, University of Copenhague, Denmark

2002-2003 Research Associate, University of British Columbia, Canada

2003-2008 Ramón y Cajal , Oviedo University

2008-2011 PCD , Oviedo University

2011-now. Faculty at University of Oviedo



  • Pulgar, J.A., Gallart, J., Fernández Viejo, G., Pérez-Estaún, A., Alvarez-Marrón, J. & ESCIN Group. Seismic image of the Cantabrian Mountains uplift in the Western extension of the Pyrenean belt from integrated ESCI-N reflection and refraction data. Tectonophysics, 264: 1-19. 1996

  • Fernández Viejo, G., Gallart, J., Pulgar, J.A., Gallastegui, J., Dañobeitia, J.J. &Córdoba, D . Crustal transition between continental and oceanic domains along the north Iberian margin from wide angle seismic and gravity data. Geophysical Research Letters, 25: 4249-4252.1998

  • Fernández Viejo, G., Clowes, R.M. & Amor, J.R . Imaging the lithospheric mantle in north western Canada with seismic wide angle reflections. Geophysical Research Letters, 26: 2809-2812.1999.

  • Fernández Viejo, G., Gallart, J., Pulgar, J.A., Córdoba, D. & Dañobeitia, J.J. Seismic signature of Variscan and Alpine tectonics in NW Iberia: Crustal structure of the Cantabrian Mountains and Duero basin. Journal of Geophysical Research , 105: 30001-30018. 2000.

  • Fernández Viejo, G., Laigle, M., and Ranero, C . Pre-Permian sedimentary basins in the North Sea: images from reprocessed and pre-stack depth migrated MONALISA data. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 19: 519-526. 2002.

  • Fernández Viejo, G., and Clowes, R.M. Lithospheric structure of the Archaean Slave Province and Proterozoic Wopmay orogen in Northwestern Canada from LITHOPROBE's SNORE97 refraction/wide angle reflection data. Geophysical Journal International, 153: 1-19. 2003.

  • Clowes, R.M., Hammer, P.T.C., Fernández Viejo, G., and Welford, K. Lithospheric structure in north western Canada from LITHOPROBE seismic refraction and related studies: a synthesis. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42(6): 1277-1293. 2005

  • Fernández Viejo, G. , Clowes, R.M, & Welford, K. Constraints on the composition of the crust and upper mantle in north western Canada: Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs ratio variations along LITHOPROBE's SNORCLE Transect. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 42(6): 1205-1222, 2005.

  • Fernández-Viejo, G., Gallastegui, J., Pulgar, J.A. and Gallart, J. The MARCONI Reflection Seismic Data: A view into the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay. Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2010.06.020

  • Olona, J., Pulgar, J.A., Fernández-Viejo, G. and González-cortina, J.M. Weathering variations in a granitic massif and related geotechnical properties through seismic and electrical resistivity methods. Near surface Geophysics, 8, 585-599, 2010.

  • Fernández-Viejo, G., Pulgar, J.A., Gallastegui, J. and L. Quintana. The accretionary wedge of the Bay of Biscay: critical wedge analysis on seismic sections and geodynamical implications. J. of Geology (2012), 120(3): 315-331

  • López-Fernández, C., Arias, D., Fernández-Viejo, G., Pando, L., and E. Castells. Surface subsidence induced by groundwater drainage tunneling in granite residual soils (Burata railway tunnel, spain). J. Geotechnical and Geenvironmental engineering, 2012


  • Fernández-Viejo, G., López-Fernández. C., Dominguez-cuesta, M.J. and P. Cadenas, How much confidence can be conferred into tectonic maps of the continetnla shelves? The Cantabrian fault case. Sci. Rep. 2014.

No SCI-Articles


  • Bastida, F., Aller, J., & Fernández Viejo, G. The Structure of the Ollo de Sapo antiform in the Cantabrian Coast (NWSpain). Rev. Soc. Geol. España, 6: 93-103. 1994.

  • Gallart, J., Fernández Viejo, G., Díaz, J., Vidal, N., & Pulgar, J.A. Deep structure of the transition between the Cantabrian Mountains and the North Iberian margin from wide angle data. Rev. Soc. Geol. España, 8: 365-382, 1995.

  • Fernández Viejo, G., Clowes, R.M., Ellis, R.M., Spence, G., Hammer, P.T.C., Asudeh, I., Roberts, B., Hajnal, Z., Beaudoin, B., Sell, R. & Burdette,T. The Slave-Northern Cordillera refraction experiment in NW Canada. LSPF Newsletter , 10: 20-30.1997.

  • Fernández Viejo G. and Gallastegui, J. The ESCIN Project after a decade: a synthesis of the results and open questions. Trabajos de Geología, 25: 9-25, 2006.

  • Fernández-Viejo, G., Gallastegui, J. and Pulgar, J.A. Structure and tectonics of the eastern Camtabrian margin: results from the Marconi multichannel seismic data. Trabajos de Geología, 29: 60-265, 2009.

Main Teaching Projects