Teaching 2012-2013


Degree in Geology (GGEOL01)

Course: Global dynamics(GGEOL01-1-006)


Degree in Mining engineering and energetic resources, civil engineering

Course: Applied Geology to engineering Problems (GIMINA01-2-007)


Master in Natural Resources and Geological Engineering(MRGEOL02)

Course: Global Tectonics and Structural Geology (MRGEOL02-C-036)

yoyo alumnos

ERASMUS Agreements 2012

Reykjavik (Iceland)

Univ. Uppsala (Sweden)

Univ. Wienn (Austria)

Ph.D students and thesis

Developing of a geophysical methodology to characterize geotechnically terranes and evaluation of geological risks. Ph.D:Javier Olona Allué.

3D modeling of the asturian platform between 3º and 8º west. Ph.D:Patricia Cadenas Martínez.

Main Projects Publications